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A great article from a colleague of ours Kim Vopni, the Vagina Coach, on the ‘Vancouver is Awesome’ website…

She wants women to know that they don’t have to live with their downstairs ailments.

“Light bladder leakage is not just part of being a woman,” says Kim Vopni a personal trainer who specializes in the pelvic floor and who’s known as the vagina coach in Vancouver.

She wants women to know that “pads are not something they need to accept as their destiny.” No matter what impression feminine hygiene product advertisements might be trying to give.

She says close to 40 per cent of women have reported incontinence—stress incontinence, frequency and urge incontinence—which can cause them to avoid movement and exercise, abstain from sex, and even decline social invitations when in fact this is not something they should have to accept or live with…